Escape Room Strategies | Tips and Tricks | Breakout Games (2024)

Escape rooms are ultimately about having FUN, whether you escape or not. But, of course, you’d still rather escape the room than not! So if you want to increase your chances of breaking out, here are our top 10 escape room strategies.


The thing that really makes your escape room experience great is having a blast with the people you are playing with. Playing an escape room isn’t necessarily about picking a “super smart” team because we all bring something different to the table. Everyone has strengths that can help in an escape room. The most important thing is to choose a group of people you will have fun with. If you want to know what size group we recommend, click here to learn more!


Every minute counts in an escape room, and nothing is worse than getting stuck in traffic or losing track of time and showing up late to your experience. Often, this means losing time in the room and that’s a HUGE bummer. At Breakout, we will always let you reschedule, but sometimes you might not have that option. So we recommend arriving 15 minutes before your game is scheduled so you have plenty of time to check in, fill out waivers, use the restroom, and prepare for your adventure!


Escape rooms are meant to be challenging. If it were super easy, then it wouldn’t be nearly as exciting. If you stay positive and see challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles, you will be so much more likely to escape successfully.


At most escape rooms, you will be given a set of rules at the beginning of the experience. It’s easy to ignore these when you are excited and just want to get to the game, but often, these rules are for your safety and knowing them can actually help you succeed in a room! Rules may seem boring, but sometimes paying attention during those few quick minutes of instructions can give you a leg up!


An hour goes by very fast in an escape room, and before you know it, you will only have minutes left on the clock! Keeping an eye on the time you have left will allow you to plan your next steps and know when to ask for a hint. Escape rooms are meticulously planned and designed so that you can solve and open everything within an hour, so keep in mind what you have left or what you have already opened. The best rule of thumb is if you haven’t found anything new or opened anything new in 5 minutes, then you might need to go ahead and ask for some help.


Most escape rooms are designed in a logical, sequential order. One clue leads to the next, leads to the next. So your best bet is to follow that path of clues. Don’t get too distracted by other elements in the room. Stay focused on whatever clue you’re working with at the time.


Communication is absolutely vital for solving an escape room. This is why escape rooms are 100% team activities! Most rooms are designed so that everyone can be working on something or discovering something new all at the same time, so if you don’t communicate, you might not catch some missing pieces!


Leadership is so important, but there’s nothing worse than someone who totally takes over. Not only is this no fun for everyone playing, it’s also going to cause you to make mistakes and slow down your team. If you are the natural leader in your team, that’s great! Just make sure you remember that you need your WHOLE team to succeed.


One of the great things about escape rooms is almost all of them come with built in clues and hints. At Breakout, you have your own personal game master available the entire time to give you hints and help you move forward when you are stuck. Hints are how you control the difficulty level at Breakout, so if you want a challenge, then you don’t have to ask for a lot, but if you need an easier experience, then you can ask for as many as you like. A lot of people think that taking a hint in an escape room is cheating, but that’s not the case! Game masters won’t walk you through the room; they’ll just give you a nudge in the right direction. It’s incredibly rare that groups break out without any hints, so don’t be afraid to use them!


Ultimately, the only goal should be FUN. These games are designed to challenge and excite you, make you think, and make you laugh and enjoy an hour with people you care about. Whether you are coming for a team building office party or are taking the kids out for a family activity, escape rooms should leave you smiling, not disappointed. So long as you enjoy your time together, you will have won the escape room!

Escape Room Strategies | Tips and Tricks | Breakout Games (1)

Escape Room Strategies | Tips and Tricks | Breakout Games (2024)


Escape Room Strategies | Tips and Tricks | Breakout Games? ›


Some physical clue finding and good old-fashioned mental puzzles should also be thrown into the mix. This will help keep every individual playing the game — from the more athletically-inclined to the brain teaser junkies — engaged and active, which is the ultimate goal of any escape room.

What is the best strategy for escape rooms? ›

How To Be Good At Escape Rooms: 9 Tips From Experts
  • Sharpen Your Observation Skills. ...
  • Communicate Clearly and Listen Well. ...
  • Divide and Conquer Tasks. ...
  • Stay Organized with Clues and Items. ...
  • Keep Track of Time without Panicking. ...
  • Embrace a Variety of Puzzle Types. ...
  • Be Persistent but Know When to Move On. ...
  • Use Hints Wisely.
Mar 11, 2024

How can I make my escape room more fun? ›


Some physical clue finding and good old-fashioned mental puzzles should also be thrown into the mix. This will help keep every individual playing the game — from the more athletically-inclined to the brain teaser junkies — engaged and active, which is the ultimate goal of any escape room.

How do you become a good game master in escape room? ›

A good game master will know how to interpret your team's dynamics against the escape game difficulty and understand when to throw in a hint and when to give you a bit more time to figure it out. They'll know when you're having fun trying to solve a puzzle - and when you're starting to get frustrated.

How do you train your brain for an escape room? ›

This can be as simple as doing a crossword puzzle or playing Sudoku. These games help you develop your ability to think critically and logically, skills that are essential for escaping from an escape room. Another way to exercise your problem-solving skills is to play strategy games like chess or Risk.

What should I do first in an escape room? ›

To escape, the first thing you need to do is start searching the room. Look for patterns, objects, and items that seem out of place. Ideally, you'll make connections between different clues and puzzle pieces to find solutions. Don't forget to communicate with your teammates!

What if you can t solve an escape room? ›

Sometimes, the game master may enter the room to clarify the unsolved puzzles. The main repercussion of not escaping in time is a sense of defeat. However, it's crucial to remember that escape rooms are meant to be difficult, so not escaping doesn't reflect poorly on your abilities or intellect.

How do you get a hint in an escape room? ›

We suggest using the 5-minute rule: if you haven't solved anything new in 5 minutes, it's a good idea to ask for a hint. Expert tip: Don't be afraid to ask for a clue early! A lot of groups mistakenly believe that the first part of the room should be the easiest and that the puzzles get progressively harder as you go.

What makes an escape room fun? ›

An Immersive Experience

The décor, props, sound effects, staging, and more should all work together to make the players forget it's a game, and convince them that the stakes, objectives, and rewards are real.

What are the mechanics of escape rooms? ›

You are given a mission and placed into a themed room where you must explore to find hints and clues. You may find a container that needs a passcode to open, or a lock that needs a key. If you search hard enough, you can figure out passcodes, open all the locks, find hidden items, and ultimately free yourself.

Do most people win escape rooms? ›

Escape Room Success Rates

The answer to this question can vary widely by the escape room company you choose. Some escape rooms keep close records of players' wins and losses. And some may even advertise a breakout percentage with their room. You might see anywhere from 20-75%, depending on the room's difficulty.

How to be a good escape room host? ›

It requires a combination of problem-solving skills, customer service, and technical knowledge. And, of course, the best part of the job is to see people having a great time and enjoying the escape room experience you have created for them.

What is the most popular code in escape rooms? ›

Other than custom symbols, Morse code seems to be the second most popular because of its flexibility (works in audio and flashing light forms too) and general recognizability. Other popular codes and ciphers include Pigpen Cipher, Caesar Cipher, or a Book Cipher (commonly the Arnold Cipher).

Where to hide things in an escape room? ›

Popular Hiding Spots to Search in Escape Rooms
  • Inside books and book covers.
  • Underneath carpeting and rugs.
  • Inside candle holders.
  • Underneath tables and tablecloths.
  • Inside lamp shades.
  • In between books on a shelf.
  • Inside cups.
  • Behind picture frames.
Sep 20, 2016

How many puzzles should be in an escape room? ›

The number of puzzles in an escape room can vary, but on average there are around 10-15 puzzles per room. Some rooms may have more or less depending on the length and difficulty of the game.

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.