The Ultimate Guide On How To Beat An Escape Room (2021) (2024)

The Best Tips And HintsFor An Escape Room

To learn more about the best escape room tips and strategies, we spoke to the ultimate experts: our Game Guides! They’re the ones who greet you when you arrive, talk you through theexperience, and steer you in the right direction when you need help with a hint or clue.

Our Game Guides loveescape rooms. Like,loveescape rooms. They know the ins and outs of an epic escape. That’s why we decided to ask them for advice onhow to be good at escape roomsand what not-so-successful groups have in common!

The Ultimate Guide On How To Beat An Escape Room (2021) (1)

Tip #1: Make The Entire Team Aware Of What You Find

The first step in any escape room is to search the room. Search it thoroughly and find everything you can. However, just finding something isn’t enough. You have to communicate with your teammates!

“You don’t know how many times I’ve seen groups where one person is trying to solve a puzzle someone else has already completed,” Game Guide Max tells us.

It seems obvious, but groups who communicate and work together have the highest chance of success. The important thing to keep in mind is that communicating begins the moment the clock starts ticking down.

When you enterthe escape room, you go into sensory overload. There are so many clues and props and gadgets to play with. To avoid becoming overwhelmed, Max recommends exploringthe escape roomand yelling out to each other what you find: “Here’s a number lock!” “I found some puzzle pieces!” “Here’s a key!” Share information with everyone to minimize the chances of any miscommunication.

Tip #2: Keep Clues And Puzzles Organized

The Ultimate Guide On How To Beat An Escape Room (2021) (2)

Our Game Guides suggest putting all the physical objects you find in the room in one centralized location inside the room so you can easily access all your clues.

“It’s easy to forget a clue you haven’t solved yet,” Game Guide Lindsay explains, “because there’s so much in the room.”

A clue you can’t use now might become importantlater on in the game, so save your team some time by placing the clue in an obvious, conspicuous place. You only have 60 minutes to escape, so every saved second counts!

You and other teammates will be able to come back to this location as the game progresses but don’t forget to take clues with you from room to room. Something may mean nothing to you at the time but a teammate could find a clue of their own that cracks the puzzle the team needed to progress.

Tip #3: If You Need A Clue, Ask For A Clue

We asked our Game Guides the age-old question: When should you ask forclues? Players are sometimes hesitant to ask for acluebecause they want to complete their mission and beat the escape room on their own. But since you’re allowed to ask for as many clues as you’d like, our Game Guides suggest asking for a clue sooner rather than later.

A good rule of thumb to follow: If you’re all standing around and doing nothing, ask for a clue, no matter how early or late you are in the game. Game time spent standing around is time being wasted. Standing around for even a few minutes could be the difference between an escape or a defeat because many groups escape with only seconds to spare.

Tip #4: When The Game Guide Speaks, You Should Listen

The Ultimate Guide On How To Beat An Escape Room (2021) (4)

So, you know to ask for a clue when you need it. But a hint isn’t any good unless you listen and act upon it!

Game Guides spend hours and hours training to become experts onescape rooms. These game masters are on your side.When you ask for help mid-game, the clue you’re given is strategically created to help you in the exact moment you’re at in the game. Maybe thiscluewill help you solve a puzzle to open up a new section of the room, or maybe you need to crack a code to find moreclues to get out of the escape room. In the end, always trust your Game Guide!

When You Play An Escape Room Do Yourself This One Favor.

The Ultimate Guide On How To Beat An Escape Room (2021) (5)

Groups that don’t end up escaping tend to be scattered and chaotic. So do yourself a favor and don’t be scattered and chaotic! Easier said than done, right? Just remember these three things:

  1. Communicate with your team.
  2. Stay organized.
  3. Trust your Game Guide.

We believe in you. You got this! But you want to know the ultimatesecret to escape rooms? You don’t need to escape to have fun. The escape rooms at TheEscape Game are fun either way!

If you liked this blog, check out our guide withClues to Get Out of an Escape Room Straight from the Game Experts!

Do you want to learn more about virtual escape rooms? We don’t blame you— they’re really fun! Find out everything you need to know about virtual escape rooms here.

The Ultimate Guide On How To Beat An Escape Room (2021) (2024)


The Ultimate Guide On How To Beat An Escape Room (2021)? ›

Escape rooms often incorporate patterns or sequences in objects as a source of clues. It could relate to colors, numbers, or even shapes. The key is to stay attentive to repetitive or standout elements within the room.

How to find escape room answers? ›

Here are a few tips:
  1. Take pictures off the wall. Escape rooms have clues hidden in all sorts of places—under things, inside other objects, and yes behind items.
  2. Look for numbers hidden in text. If you are reading something like a diary or poem, it is not necessarily a word puzzle. ...
  3. Keep an eye out for mirrors. ...
  4. Listen.
Feb 16, 2017

How to always beat an escape room? ›

10 Escape Room Tips
  1. Assemble Your A-Team. Think of this as gathering your band of Avengers, where every member brings something unique to the table. ...
  2. Leave No Stone Unturned. ...
  3. Organize Your Discoveries. ...
  4. Simplify, Simplify, Simplify. ...
  5. Prioritize Your Obstacles. ...
  6. Decode the Locks. ...
  7. Master Common Codes and Ciphers. ...
  8. Seek Out Patterns.

What are the clues in escape room? ›

Escape rooms often incorporate patterns or sequences in objects as a source of clues. It could relate to colors, numbers, or even shapes. The key is to stay attentive to repetitive or standout elements within the room.

What is the most popular code in escape rooms? ›

To help you out, here are the most popular codes that you're sure to encounter at least once!
  • Braille. Braille is the reading and writing system used by the blind and visually impaired. ...
  • Indexing. Indexing is the most common type of code/cipher that you'll find in an escape room. ...
  • Binary. ...
  • Pigpen.
Sep 12, 2019

Can you solve an escape room by yourself? ›

While some escape rooms allow solo play, most are designed to be completed in teams. It's usually more fun and challenging to work with a group, and having more people can increase your chances of solving the puzzles.

What if you can t solve an escape room? ›

You and your team can book the same room for a future date and give it another shot. With the knowledge and experience you've accumulated from your previous attempt, your chances of successfully escaping the room will significantly increase. So, remember, every attempt is a step closer to eventual triumph.

What are the numbers on the escape puzzle? ›

The numbers refer to edge pieces, which have the corresponding numbers. (In one case, there were arrows pointing to an edge piece, and there was no number.) Among the puzzle pieces, there are small, rectangular pieces of puzzle cardboard that are not part of the puzzle.

What sort of puzzles are in escape rooms? ›

What Types of Escape Room Puzzles Are There?
  • Hidden Items and Clues. The most common escape room puzzle is finding hidden clues or objects within the room. ...
  • Light Puzzles. If you're solving an escape room, always pay attention to the lighting. ...
  • Math Puzzles. ...
  • Ciphers. ...
  • Electrical Current. ...
  • Magnets. ...
  • Jigsaw Puzzles. ...
  • Keys.
Jul 8, 2022

Does escape room have 2 endings? ›

The Extended Cut introduces. There are two endings to this movie, in the theatrical version Amanda Harper shows up. In the one on streaming platforms, Zoey finds another character.

How long does it take to beat an escape room? ›

Escape rooms typically last 60 minutes, but there are some that are shorter or longer. Some escape rooms have a time limit of 45 minutes, while others may last up to 90 minutes. It all depends on the difficulty of the escape room and how many puzzles there are to solve.

What are some escape room codes? ›

Best Fortnite Escape Rooms (and their codes)
Escape RoomCode
Farm Escape8542-8143-4852
Escape Game - A Night of Horror6299-1937-3043
Escape The Pirate Cruise5464-2020-7914
Escape Islands7299-7932-6803
36 more rows
Jan 24, 2024

How do you solve an online escape room? ›

How To Beat A Virtual Escape Room
  1. Communication Is Key. ...
  2. Have Your Game Guide Search The Room First Thing. ...
  3. When In Doubt, Ask For A Clue! ...
  4. Have Zoom Downloaded Ahead Of Time. ...
  5. Split Your Screen. ...
  6. If Possible, Use A Computer Or Laptop. ...
  7. Utilize Your 360-Degree Scans Of The Rooms. ...
  8. Have A Pen And Paper Handy.
Dec 11, 2020

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.