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[ANDROID] Fake APP #119472
By micmou - 29 Mar 2014 04:51
- 29 Mar 2014 04:51 #119472 There seems to be a fake app on the top of the Google play store they are charging 3 dollars for the app it just says it is that most things aren't implemented yet but it has old pictures of the pixelmon mod. A lot of reviews are blaming the mod team for this scam. It is called Poke Craft. So far it says they have over 5000 downloads. Damn this site is annoying on my phone so hard to type.
Re: [ANDROID] Fake APP #119476
By shadoowner - 29 Mar 2014 05:01
- 29 Mar 2014 05:01 #119476 I cant find that app, do you have a link to it? (you can get the link by clicking the share button in the appstore, then via text message and it will show the link)
Re: [ANDROID] Fake APP #119486
By joshua_DA - 29 Mar 2014 05:50
- 29 Mar 2014 05:50 #119486
shadoowner wrote:I cant find that app, do you have a link to it? (you can get the link by clicking the share button in the appstore, then via text message and it will show the link)
here ya go
also this: [url]http://www.distimo.com/iq/publisher/amazon-appstore/uber-epic-games[/url
turned other mc mods into cash too.....
Made by Burgy
sketchfab portfolio of my models https://sketchfab.com/joshua_da/folders/292f64e6d7384b09b569e40f5054eb5f
Re: [ANDROID] Fake APP #119487
By Aichu - 29 Mar 2014 05:56
- 29 Mar 2014 05:56 #119487 Found it, but why did they sue pixelmon staff? they have to sue uber epic games the uploader of app.
By: Vctr
By: AZTERIX_ , Thanks alot.
Re: [ANDROID] Fake APP #119492
By TheNew4 - 29 Mar 2014 06:31
- 29 Mar 2014 06:31 #119492 Well I hope the maker of the app gets sued and the money goes A.)Back to the people who were mistakenly fraud to pay for it, or B.) Give the money to Pixelmon, since he is using your guy's picture without permission, and falsely accusing actual pixelmon staff that his app doesn't work.
Re: [ANDROID] Fake APP #119494
By Aichu - 29 Mar 2014 06:32
- 29 Mar 2014 06:32 #119494 Well i kinda agree with you but slighty not with to pixelmon , yes , it would be to give money to pixelmon , but what the heck with the pics? everyone is allowed to use the pics , but they have to also ask permission to make this app for pixelmon, so yea.
By: Vctr
By: AZTERIX_ , Thanks alot.
Re: [ANDROID] Fake APP #119498
By TheNew4 - 29 Mar 2014 06:52
- 29 Mar 2014 06:52 #119498 Well I hope this guys looses everything he made illegally. Oh, and just fyi, there are some die hard fans posting comments that "his" app is a total fraud/scam. Happy to see pixelmon fans stand up to these people and get Pixelmon the right fandom/attention it deserves
Re: [ANDROID] Fake APP #119599
By Cap_Cod - 29 Mar 2014 23:45
- 29 Mar 2014 23:45 #119599 "A lot of reviews are blaming the mod team for this scam"
They're sueing Pixelmon?
Even I they did sue them I don't believe they would win the case counting on the fact that Pixelmon most likely did not create that app.
Re: [ANDROID] Fake APP #119639
By Vctr - 30 Mar 2014 07:45
- 30 Mar 2014 07:45 #119639 '' I think '' Pixelmon team could sue the app developer, because the app developer is breaking the law of fraud and launching a product using an other name, which in this case pixelmon is copyrighted, so the team could sue this guy and get a good amount of money from it, also the people who bought the app could sue the developer for a financial compensation.
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Re: [ANDROID] Fake APP #119649
By Isi - 30 Mar 2014 10:24
- 30 Mar 2014 10:24 #119649 This is being dealt with.
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