Frequently Asked Questions – APOSTC (2024)

Frequently Asked Questions – APOSTC (1)

Frequently Asked Questions – APOSTC (2)

Q1. How do I sign up for ePOST?

Answer: Your ADAPT credentials, i.e., your ALACOP username and password, will grant you access to AELECTS/EPOST. If you do not have those credentials, please contact and follow the instructions for obtaining a login. If you are having trouble logging in, please contact the Help Desk and Command Center at 1-800-392-8025.

Q2. Why can’t I put in CEUs dated before the current calendar year?

Answer: ePOST users will only be allowed to input CEU hours for the current calendar year i.e. 2007 hours can only be input in 2007. The system will NOT allow users to input CEU hours dated before the current calendar year.

Q3. What if I have CEUs dated before this calendar year? Who will get those into the ePOST system for me for proper credit?

Answer: For any CEU hours dated before the current calendar year, please follow the previous procedure of sending them directly to APOSTC. An agency will only be allowed to enter in CEUs for the current calendar year. You are welcome to fax or mail them to our office. As always, we will not accept any Continuing Education Credit Application that is not signed by an agency head. Send a copy of the Training Certificate Every request for additions to CEU records must be placed on an official CEU credit application form and signed by the agency head.

Q4. What is an AISO?

Answer: AISO stands for Agency Information Security Officer. Your AISO is responsible for granting and overseeing the privileges assigned to officers in order to control access to the ePOST system. Please contact your AISO if your roles and privileges are not set properly. For example, you have an ALACOP user name and password and enter the AELECTS system. Upon entering the system, you notice the navigation panel choices are limited to HOME and LOGOUT. This means that your AISO has not granted a role or assigned privileges to you as an authorized user.

Q5. Who are all of these officers assigned to my agency and how can I get rid of them?

Answer: You may see several officers that do not belong to your agency or they haven’t been employed there for a number of years. Many of these officer’s records will be “locked” in our new system therefore preventing you from removing them from your agency’s officer listing. Submit a list via email of all officers that you cannot terminate from your officer listing. The list should include officer’s name (last name, first name format), DOB, and SSN. We will thenproceed to “unlock” the records allowing you to terminate the officer and remove him from yourofficer listing.VERY IMPORTANT: Far too many agencies aresubmitting lists of officers no longer assigned to their agency. We only need lists of officers whose records are LOCKED and unable to be removed from your active roster. If the records are unlocked, there is no intervention from APOSTC necessary. Youragency can proceed to remove them from your active roster immediately. Please email locked recordsONLY.

Please email your list oflocked records

Many agencies are unsure of what to do if they do not know the accurate date of termination. You must use a date of termination that is after the officer’s start date. It may be necessary to use an arbitrary date in this case. If you do not know when these officers left your agency, please use a date after their start date forexample, add sixmonths to the officer’s start date. If you do that, you will need to use the NOTES field to note to usthat this is not an accurate termination date before you terminate the officer.

  1. Go to Officer Select
  2. Select the officer you want to terminate
  3. Go to OfficerInformation
  4. Use the NOTES fieldon the OfficerInformation page to note to APOSTC that the termination date is not accurate.
  5. Go to Officer Employment
  6. Click the TERM link
  7. Select the reason for termination and date of termination
  8. Hit the button labeled TERMINATE.

Q6. Do the agencies still need to send in copies of our CEU and Firearms forms to APOSTC at the end of the year?

Answer: No. Agencies are no longer required to send in forms to APOSTC. Because we are now working in an electronic information submission system, it is no longer necessary to send in Continuing Education Credit Applications, Firearms, Employment forms, and Termination forms. We have also eliminated portions of our Law Enforcement Certification Packages (Applications); however, we still require the portions of the paper application that require signatures to be sent into our office. All of the aforementioned information, must now be entered in electronically in our ePOST system. When the information is entered by your agency online, it becomes part of our information system instantly thus eliminating the need to fax or mail hardcopies.

Q7. We have submitted an application to APOSTC. Why isn’t our applicant assigned to an academy yet?

Answer: While APOSTC has moved to an electronic process, we still must rely on some non-electronic processes like the Postal Service. Please allow up to 10 business days, after our office receives your paper documents, for APOSTC to schedule your applicant for an academy. It can take up to five business days for the state mailroom to process our mail and deliver to our office. Your office can check the status of your applicants daily by logging on to AELECTS. In the navigation area to the left of your screen, select Applications, then select View/Select Applicant. Your screen will then display all of your agency’s applicants and their current Application Status. The work flow of an application will move from Applicant Actions, to Agency Actions, to APOST Actions, then Academy Eligible and then to Enrolled in Academy. Please follow this process before calling our office to check on your applicant.

Q8. Why can’t I type on the pages in the forms section?

Answer: The forms listed in the Forms section are PDF (Portable Document Format) images. The PDF images listed in the forms section are for printing on demand ONLY. You will not be able to type onto these pages and fill out information. The forms are there for your agency to print on demand, as needed should you run out of these forms. Please do not attempt to type on these pages. Find the form you need, print the blank form at your leisure, and hand write on the form as normal.

Q9. What do I do if my record is locked?

Answer: If an officer is more than 24 hours deficient in their annual continuing education requirements, their record will be locked. Once the record is locked, the agency will be unable to add any new information to that officer’s record i.e. adding CEU hours or annual firearms qualifications. However, an agency will still be able to view the information contained in the officer’s record. You will be able to view the officer’s record to determine what information is lacking that is causing the lock.
Please contact APOSTC for unlocking. Be prepared to send in the information, via fax, mail or email, on the appropriate and most current APOSTC forms that will help bring the officer’s record to a current status. You can send an email to requesting the unlock. In the email, please include the officer’s full LEGAL name, DOB, and SSN.

Q10. I am a Chief of Police and I am unable to enter in my Executive Level training for the year. Also, no one from my agency is able to do so either. What should we do?

Answer: In order to maintain strict adherence to and the integrity of the Executive Level training requirements, APOSTC is the only agency that can input Executive Level training earned by Chiefs of Police. Please fax or mail all hours earned by your Chief of Police that are of executive level in to our office. Remember, EXECUTIVE LEVEL HOURS EARNED BY A CHIEF ONLY ARE TO BE SENT TO APOSTC FOR INPUT, all other hours earned can be input by your training officer within your agency.

Q11. What should I do if I have made a mistake on entering in CEU’s, Firearms, Applications, Employment Histories, Terminations, etc.?

Answer: Currently, there is no mechanism for editing entries in AELECTS for agencies. Only APOSTC has the ability to edit incorrect entries in the AELECTS system. Please be sure before hitting submit on ANY screen that you have entered the correct information for the correct officer before proceeding to submit the information and making it a permanent part of our database system.If for some reason you do make an incorrect entry, use the NOTES field at the end of the incorrect entry stating what is wrong with the entry then email all details regarding the incorrect entry . We will take all available measures to correct your entry. VERY IMPORTANT: APOSTC will not correct any entry that is not noted in the NOTES field associated with the incorrect entry. Please use the NOTES field to note what is incorrect about the entry and what action should be taken to correct it.

Q12. I have entered my username and password on the login screen for ALACOP and am unable to get in. What should I do?

Answer: You will need to contact the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center directly. They are responsible for all login issues and resetting of passwords. APOSTC cannot help you with login issues at all. You can reach the Help Desk and Command Center at 1-800-392-8025.

Q13. How do I terminate officers that have recently left my agency?

Answer: The following instructions are based upon the assumption that the role of Personnel Officer has been properly assigned to you by your AISO. Also, the assumption is made that you are already logged into and working in the AELECTS system.

  1. Go to Officer Select
  2. Select the officer you want to terminate from your roster.
  3. Using the Navigation Panel on the left hand side of your screen, click the link Employment History.
  4. Click the link TERM next to your agency’s name and ORI
  5. Select the reason for termination from the drop down menu
  6. Fill in the termination date
  7. Double check the information entered. This is your last chance to make corrections.
  8. Hit the button labeled TERMINATE. Beware of any error messages that may have been generated preventing you from terminating the officer.
  9. Go to Officer Select again. You will see that the officer is no longer on your active roster.

Q14. How do I hire an officer who is already APOSTC certified and is moving from another law enforcement agency? Also, how do I determine if the officer is eligible to be hired by my agency?

Answer:The following instructions are based upon the assumption that the role of Personnel Officer has been properly assigned to you by your AISO. Also, the assumption is made that you are already logged into and working in the AELECTS system.

  1. Go to Officer Selection
  2. Search for the officer you are considering by either their Certification Number or their Identification which is a combination of DOB and SSN. You will also need to check the box marked ALL AGENCIES in order to find this officer.
  3. Once you enter in either of those search criteria, hit the button FIND OFFICER.
  4. If you have properly entered in the requested search information, the officer’s record will be returned and displayed on your screen. VERY IMPORTANT: Be certain that the officer’s record is not locked. If it is locked the officer is ineligible to be hired. You will need to contact APOSTC for unlocking records. Please see the FAQ relative to this situation.
  5. Click on the last name of the officer whose record was returned from your search. This will select this officer for employment purposes.
  6. Using the navigation panel on the left hand side of your screen, click on the link OFFICER EMPLOYMENT.
  7. Fill in the blanks labeled EMPLOYMENT STATUS, EMPLOYMENT TYPE, and HIRE DATE.
  8. Review your information. This is the last chance to make any changes. Once you have committed this employment information there is no way to correct this information by your agency.
  9. Hit the button labeled HIRE.
  10. Go back to Officer Select and the officer’s name should now appear on your agency’s active roster.

Once you search for an officer for the purposes of hiring the officer, their information will be displayed on your screen. In order to determine whether the officer is eligible to be hired or not, pay close attention to the column labeled RECORD LOCKED. If there is a check mark in that column, it means that the officer’s record is locked and the officer is not able to be hired unless there is intervention by APOSTC. Reminder: Officer records will be locked due to CEU deficiencies.

Q15. What are the steps for entering in CEUs for my officers?

Answer: The following instructions are based upon the assumption that the role ofTraining Officer has been properly assigned to you by your AISO. Also, the assumption is made that you are already logged into and working in the AELECTS system.

  1. Utilizing the Navigation Panel on the left hand side of your screen, click on the link labeled Officer Select.
  2. Select the officer that you would like to enter in CEUs for the currentcalendar year.
  3. The officer you selected will be highlighted in green. Verify that this is the officer that you want to work with.
  4. Locate in your navigation panel the link labeled CONTINUING EDUCATION. If the link has a + sign next to it, click on the + sign to expand out the link.
  5. Under the link CONTINUING EDUCATION, click on the link labeled COURSES.
  6. VERY IMPORTANT: Be sure you are working with the officer you want to enter in CEUs for. The name of the officer will be displayed in a box at the top of the screen. Any addtions to CEU records cannot be edited by your agency.
  7. Navigate to the bottom of the page and fill in the requested information contained in the blank information fields. Once the information is filled in, be sure it is correct. This is the last chance tochange any information.Once entered, NO corrections can be made by your agency.
  8. Click the button labeled ADD COURSE.

Q16. How do I enter in annual Firearms qualifications for my officers?

Answer: The following instructions are based upon the assumption that the role ofTraining Officer has been properly assigned to you by your AISO. Also, the assumption is made that you are already logged into and working in the AELECTS system.

  1. Utilizing the Navigation Panel on the left hand side of your screen, click on the link labeled Officer Select.
  2. Select the officer that you would like to enter infirearms for the currentcalendar year.
  3. The officer you selected will be highlighted in green. Verify that this is the officer that you want to work with.
  4. Locate in your navigation panel the link labeled CONTINUING EDUCATION. If the link has a + sign next to it, click on the + sign to expand out the link.
  5. Under the link CONTINUING EDUCATION, click on the link labeled FIREARMS.
  6. VERY IMPORTANT: Be sure you are working with the officer you want to enter infirearms for. The name of the officer will be displayed in a box at the top of the screen. Any addtions tofirearms records cannot be edited by your agency.
  7. Navigate to the bottom of the page and fill in the requested information contained in the blank information fields. Once the information is filled in, be sure it is correct. This is the last chance tochange any information.Once entered, NO corrections can be made by your agency.
  8. Click the button labeled ADD COURSE.

Q17. What is the Basic Ability Test (BAT)?

Answer: In 2014 the Alabama Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission (Commission) modified the education requirements for law enforcement officer and state correctional officer applicants to include the requirement of the applicant completing a Commission approved Basic Ability Test (BAT). The Commission later suspended the requirement for the BAT pending completion of the test development. After completion of an assessment by the Alabama Community College System (ACCS) the Commission adopted the three recommended components of the ACT WorkKeys Assessment as the official BAT for applicants who possess a valid high school diploma or GED. The three components of the test and the passing scores for law enforcement officer applicants are as follows: (1) Reading for Information (Workplace Documents), pass score 4, (2) Locating Information (Graphic Literacy), pass score 4, and (3) Applied Mathematics, pass score 3. The same components of the test are required for state correctional officer applicants with a pass score of three (3) on each of the components.

The BAT is administered through the Alabama Community College System and is available at every Community College in the State. Applicants or their agencies may contact the community college nearest their location for scheduling or other information. A fee of $45, payable to the community college, is required prior to testing. Should an applicant fail any segment of the three segment test, the applicant is allowed to re-take that segment for an additional fee of $15 per segment. As the minimum entry level score is based upon a specific job analysis profile and varies for each discipline it is important when scheduling the test that each applicant specify whether the test is the ACT WorkKeys Assessment for Law Enforcement Officer or the ACT WorkKeys Assessment for State Correctional Officer position.

The ACT WorkKeys Assessment is also available nationwide. Subject to the employing agency’s approval, out-of- state applicants may take the ACT WorkKeys Assessment (BAT) in their home state provided proper documentation of a valid test result is submitted to both the employing agency and APOSTC.

In addition to possession of a valid high school diploma or GED certificate, the BAT is required of all applicants except those applicants who are already APOSTC certified and who are required to complete the Refresher training for reinstatement of their Certification, or, those applicants possessing an earned Associate’s Degree or higher Degree from a College or University accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), or its regional equivalent.

For transition purposes only, applications submitted for academies beginning prior to October 1, 2017, may be accepted without completion of the BAT if all prior APOSTC education requirements are met and proper documentation provided. Any applicant failing to meet all previous education requirements or provide required documentation will be required to successfully pass the BAT before enrollment in the academy.

For complete information relating to the BAT and ACT WorkKeys Assessment requirements please read the entire text of Chapter Two (2) of the Alabama (APOSTC) Administrative Code, as amended.

Frequently Asked Questions – APOSTC (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.